Comments on: Nikola Tre BEV is a cabover for a new era: Test Drive Trucking news from the editors of Today's Trucking Fri, 07 Apr 2023 08:34:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: John paul Fri, 07 Apr 2023 08:34:22 +0000 First truck was invented in 1896 and First diesel truck was invented in 1923, almost took 26 years so definitely it will take some time for creation. Nikola at start showed some wrong sheets , but now they are in perfect mode and if they struggle and keep at the same pace definitely these models will shine our future. So, let’s wait and be part of our environment change as it’s zero emission. Nikola ( some companies already trusted you guys and already you guys reached 80% and you guys are very near to finish line don’t give up and be part of game changer)

By: Beverley Plummer Wed, 05 Apr 2023 15:22:27 +0000 Many companies I drove for would not have tractors that weighed even 20,000 lbs because of the lack of payload in the overall weight of 80,000 lbs in the US and 81,000 in Canada, so using an E tractor will cut down on freight being hauled per truck, which could lead to more truck traffic.
We’ve already seen what happens when an Ecar throws a tantrum and decides to do things its own way I wonder if we are ready for the devastation one of these fully loaded ET’s will do if they decide to do things their way on a crowded highway! There’s enough chaos OTR now without having big trucks with their own minds out there adding to it!
